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Who We Are

Mongkol Sirpoke began working in the auto body repair industry over 45 years ago where he owned numerous body shops in Bangkok, Thailand. He moved to the United States in 1981, and in 1983 opened Mongkol Auto Body Shop. From the start, Mongkol took care and pride to provide the highest level of service and craftsmanship to his customers.

Today M&S Collision is run by Mongkol and his sons, but the level of service and craftsmanship at has not changed. Over the years, their business and locations have steadily increased, yet the same care and pride have stayed the same. Visit any of their two South Bay locations including our newest shop in Cupertino. Our Staff and professionally trained technicians will make sure you are 100% satisfied with your experience.

M & S Collision exterior

Our Difference

All of our locations are equipped with the latest technology from spray booths to frame machines. Our computerized paint system from Sherwin Williams provides you with the highest quality finish possible.

We only use original manufactured parts from the dealer unless otherwise instructed by the owner or insurance company.

Contact Us for a Free Repair Estimate