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Auto Body Repair in the Bay Area

M&S Collision has been repairing vehicles in the Bay Area for over 35 years. Even though we have repaired over a 100,000 cars, our commitment to service, quality and workmanship makes every customer feel like they are the first one! We work on all foreign and domestic cars, SUV’s, pickups and vans. We only use original manufactured parts from the dealer unless instructed by the owner or insurance company. Car accidents are stressful. Come see why M&S Collision takes the stress out of auto body repair.

technican buffing car

Stress-Free Repairs

Motor vehicle accidents are traumatic experiences for everyone. After an accident, there is the possibility you might be recovering from injuries, dealing with pain, and possibly living without a mode of transportation. M&S Collision wants to make the process of repairing your vehicle as effortless and quick as possible. We realize how important a car is to a person’s life. Our professional team will work with your insurance company to get it repaired as quickly as possible and get you back on the road with your vehicle in its original condition. We also can arrange a rental car for you while your vehicle is being repaired. Come see why M&S Collision takes the stress out of auto body repair.

Latest Technology and Two Convenient Locations

The staff at M&S Collision is made up of experts in the auto industry. We are constantly updating our equipment and training with the latest technology. Today’s cars are as high tech as ever. Our technicians are qualified to work on the newest cars with the latest technology and features. We have two locations, so matter where you live in the South Bay, you are not far from M&S Collision.

Contact Us for a Free Repair Estimate