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Dent Repair in the Bay Area

We are all familiar with the unfortunate scenario of accidentally backing into your neighbor’s mailbox or running a car door into a pole in the parking lot. Minor incidents like these happen all too frequently and we are here to help. Our two locations in the Bay Area specialize in dent repair. We can handle anything from minor fender benders to small dents from another car’s door.

scrape on car fender

Quick Assessment

When you arrive at one of our shops, you will meet someone from our staff who will guide you through the repair process. We will provide a quick assessment of the damage and produce a free estimate, so you can understand the costs involved. It is a quick and easy process that will get your vehicle back to its original condition before the minor dent appeared.

Latest Training

Our staff employs the latest in technology and training to provide the best service for customers. We treat each vehicle like it is our own and pride ourselves in getting it back to a safe condition. Our goal is to make your family feel comfortable inside your new and improved vehicle. For 35 years, we continue to combine a family atmosphere with the highest level of service and craftsmanship.

Contact Us for a Free Repair Estimate